The three bodily humors: Vata, Pitta, Kapha

The five elements ether, air, fire, water, and earth constitute the three humors.

Ether + Air = Vata

Fire + Water = Pitta

Earth + Water = kapha

These three humors control physiological and pathophysiological functions of our body, mind and consciousness.

Why are the three bodily humors important?

Ayurveda explains that when these three humors are in normal condition, they protect, bring stability in body tissues and calmness in mind (Prakruti).

But, when they are in inappropriate proportions ie.when they increase or decrease, they cause diseases (Vikruti).

In Greek medicine, they are also known as Wind (Vata), Bile (Pitta), and Phlegm( Kapha).


What is Prakruti (constitution) and How is it related to bodily humors?

Prakruti is a sanskrit word,It means, the basic constitution of a person.

Primarily, it is determined at the time of conception as a result of the combination of the ratio of three humors/ Tridosha present in his or her parents i.e male & female gametophyte.

What is Vikruti?

Since, the three humors direct the formation, preservation and destruction of tissues, along with the elimination of excreta from the body.

And, If they are not in proportion, the normal routine of the above mentioned functions gets disturbed. 

Therefore, eventually leading to the accumulation of toxins inside the body and thus causing Vikruti (pathology) inside the body.

What are the types of constitutions (Prakruti)?

 The permutations and combinations of three humors result in seven types of constitution:

  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha
  • Vata-pitta
  • Pitta- kapha
  • Vata-kapha
  • Vata-pitta- kapha

These seven types of constitution remain unchanged throughout a person’s lifetime. 

However, the interaction with the external environment brings about changes in it.


What are the functions of Tridosha( humors)?


  • Movements
  • Motor functions
  • Sensory functions 
  • Breathing
  • Secretions 
  • excretions



  • Hunger 
  • Digestion
  • Thirst 
  • Temperature
  • Perception
  • Understanding
  • Intelligence
  • Complexion of skin



  • Stability
  • Lubrication
  • Energy
  • Moisturisation
  • Wound healing
  • vigor
  • Immunity
  • Memory retention

According to Modern Science,

The three bodily humors play these roles

Vata:  Catabolism

Pitta:  Metabolism

Kapha: Anabolism

When Vata is disturbed, there will be a defective catabolism, resulting in a disturbance in Metabolism( Pitta) and, hence, a faulty Anabolism( Kapha).

So, you now know how these humors can make our body stable if they are in their natural proportions.  

What are the places of dwelling for these three humors in the body?

Although, the three humors are found in each cell of the body but each one has a specific place:

  1. Vata: below umbilicus
  2. Pitta: between heart and umbilicus
  3. Kapha: above heart 

So, these are the natural places of humors.


How do they become Vikrut (develop pathology)?

The humors have a natural tendency to increase or decrease according to the lifestyle we give to our body and the changing seasons.

As a result, this lets them leave their place of dwelling and enter the weakest (Dhatu-Tissue).

In other words, you can understand it by a river flowing on its path accompanied by rain which leads it to make its way into neighboring areas.

Consequently, when they vitiate their places, they cause disease.

In order to keep them at their own places we should try to live and maintain a Natural- Ayurveda routine.

Other than this,Vata-Pitta-Kapha also has a dominating phase each day and each stage of life.


So, what are the Predominant timings of each Humor?

Vata : 

  • Vata is predominant at old age i.e beyond Sixty years of age.
  • After-noon (between 3 PM to 7 PM)
  • Late night (between 2 AM to 6 AM)
  • At the end of digestion


  • Pitta is dominant during middle of age i.e between the age of 20 yrs to 60 years.
  • Mid-day (between 11 to 4 PM)
  • Mid-night (between 12 and 2 AM)
  • During Mid-way of digestion


  • Kapha is predominant during Early age i.e from birth to 16 years.
  • During fore-noon (between 6 AM and 10 AM)
  • Between 7PM to 11 midnight.
  • Early phase of digestion.

Till now, we talked about composition, functions, location and prominence of Tridosha (humors) in our body. Now, we are going to introduce the attributes related to these humors:

We know that our body undergoes certain chemical reactions to generate energy in order to perform our daily actions. When Vata- Pitta – kapha are normal they take part in these reactions via their attributes and help the body produce energy.

These attributes are actual potential energies converting to kinetic energy during the process of digestion.

Moreover, not only digestion but other actions also get affected by these attributes, so, let’s have a look on them how they are associated to the humors:


Attributes/ Properties of Vata:

Dry, light in weight, cold, subtle, mobile and rough, are the properties of Vata.

 Attributes of Pitta : 

Hot (heat producing), light in weight, deeply penetrating, slight oily, liquid, free flowing, and bad smelling.

Properties of Kapha :

Heavy, cold, slow, smooth, slimy, static, and oily are the attributes of Kapha.

[ We will discuss these Attributes in another article seperately]

Are there any subtypes of the 3 humors?

Definitely Yes. Each Humor has its own subtype with a different set of functions. 

Here, we will introduce the names of those subtypes along with their governing elements among the five elements respectively, 

The Subtypes of Vata :
  1. Prana – Ether.
  2. Udana – Air
  3. Samana – Fire
  4. Vyan – Water
  5. Apana – Earth
The Subtypes of Pitta :
  1. Sadhaka – Ether
  2. Alochaka – Air
  3. Pachaka – Fire
  4. Ranjaka- Water
  5. Bhrajaka- Earth
The Subtypes of Kapha:
  1. Tarpaka – Ether
  2. Avalambaka- Air
  3. Kledaka – fire
  4. Bodhak- Water
  5. Shleshaka- Earth.


These Subtypes of Tridosha/ humors have their own dwelling place and functions inside the body.

And they have significant actions on our brain and other organs, just like the three bodily humors they also get affected by lifestyle, seasons, and emotions.

So, now let us jump into what type of Emotions do these humors produce in our body?


HumorBalanceOut of Balance
VataFlexibility and CreativityAbnormal movements, Fear and Anxiety
PittaUnderstanding and IntelligenceAnger, Jealousy and Hatred.
KaphaForgiveness, Love and CalmnessGreed, Possessiveness and Attachment.



One can simply follow Ayurveda diet and lifestyle, but to know what his or her own body is signaling is the first thing to know about yourself.

And, in order to know that one must understand the harmony of the most basic elements and working factors behind running this microcosm of our own.